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Corrugated Steel Tanks

The Benefits of Corrugated Steel Water Tanks

Durability: Corrugated steel tanks are renowned for their durability. They can withstand harsh weather conditions and have an impressive lifespan, often exceeding 30 years. This longevity means that you won't need to invest in frequent replacements, saving you a significant amount of money in the long run.

Strength: Steel is a robust and strong material, providing the structural integrity required for large-scale water storage. When corrugated for added strength, these tanks can withstand significant external pressures. For example, they can resist wind loads of up to 130 mph, making them suitable for use in regions prone to severe weather events.

Low Maintenance: One of the most significant cost benefits of corrugated steel tanks is their low maintenance requirement. They are naturally resistant to rust and corrosion. The savings can be substantial. For instance, compared to other materials that may require frequent maintenance and coatings, a steel tank might save you thousands of dollars annually in maintenance costs.

Cost-Effective: Although the initial investment in a corrugated steel tank may be higher than some alternative materials, the long-term cost savings are significant. To put this into perspective, a typical 12,000-gallon corrugated steel tank may have an initial cost of around $8,000 - $12,000 but the maintenance cost over its 30-year lifespan could be as low as $1,000, resulting in substantial savings.


Fast Installation: Corrugated steel tanks are relatively quick to install, saving time and labor costs. The installation of a 12,000-gallon corrugated steel tank, for instance, can typically be completed in a few days, minimizing labor expenses.


Fire Resistance: Steel is inherently fire-resistant, making corrugated steel tanks an excellent choice for regions prone to wildfires. In such areas, the tanks can help protect the stored water and even serve as a fire buffer, potentially saving you property damage costs.

Customization: One Clarion Corrugated Steel Water Tank tailored to meet your specific water storage needs. We'll work with you to select the optimal size, shape, and capacity of the tank as well as any accessories you may need. The ability to match the tank to your requirements precisely can help you avoid overspending on excess capacity.

Resale Value: These tanks often retain their value well. For example, a well-maintained corrugated steel tank can still have a resale value of 60% to 80% of its initial purchase price after several decades.

Product Height Diameter Price Line Card Drawings
5,000 Gallon Corrugated Tank 7'3" 10'7" Request a Quote! Click Here For More Info Click Here!
12,000 Gallon Corrugated Tank 7'3" 17'1" Request a Quote! Click Here For More Info Click Here!
16,000 Gallon Corrugated Tank 9'6" 17'1" Request a Quote! Click Here For More Info Click Here!
28,000 Gallon Corrugated Tank 7'3" 25'7" Request a Quote! Click Here For More Info Click Here!
37,000 Gallon Corrugated Tank 9'6" 25'7" Request a Quote! Click Here For More Info Click Here!
50,000 Gallon Corrugated Tank 7'3" 34'2" Request a Quote! Click Here For More Info Click Here!
65,000 Gallon Corrugated Tank 9'6" 34'2" Request a Quote! Click Here For More Info Click Here!
77,000 Gallon Corrugated Tank 7'3" 42'8" Request a Quote! Click Here For More Info Click Here!
102,000 Gallon Corrugated Tank 9'6" 42'8" Request a Quote! Click Here For More Info Click Here!

Why Choose One Clarion?
Expertise: With years of experience in the industry, we understand the unique challenges of water pollution and are committed to finding sustainable solutions.

Innovation: We stay at the forefront of technology, constantly developing and improving our products to meet the evolving needs of our clients and the environment.

Environmental Stewardship: OneClarion is dedicated to preserving and protecting our planet's water resources. Our solutions are designed with a focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness.

Customer Satisfaction: Our priority is your satisfaction. We provide exceptional customer service and support to ensure you have a seamless experience with our products.

Call 772-205-6303

For immediate assistance, call: 772-205-6303 during business hours are Monday to Friday, from 8am to 8pm (Eastern Time). Rest assured that a knowledgeable and friendly team member will respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible within these hours. 

About One Clarion

Based in Florida, our dedicated team has in-depth knowledge about water trailers to help supply our customers with the right water trailer product. But we do more than just sell water transport products. Customer service is important to us. We never seek to be a company that is simply transactional—we work with you to fully understand your needs to best help you in your situation today and in the future.


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